
Aditya Ardu: FoTJ

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Literature Text

Name: Aditya Ardu

Nickname/Alias: Adi (His little sister is the only one he lets call him that.)

Occupation: Force sensitive

Race/Species:  Pantoran

Current Age: 24

Gender:  Male

Height: 5 feet, 11 inches.

Weight: 180 pounds.

Appearance: He is built with just enough muscle to be considered tone, while his skin is a rich blue in color. His hair is long, just past the shoulders and most often pulled back in a ponytail or man bun. It is the color of lavender, with a smattering of black at the temples. His eyes are a yellow that resembled butterscotch candies, his nose is crooked and bent, as if it had been broken once before, while the rest of his face is high cheekbones and smooth planes. Most often there are gold markings on his face that identify his family name. There’s a scar that cuts through his eyebrow that looks like it was healed without medical treatment, another in his lip from where it had been split, along with a whole myriad of various other scars that littered his body. In his left ear is various piercings while there is another in his septum.

Clothing:  He has a black tattered leather jacket that he doesn’t ever care to part with, but apart from that, his clothes are wide and varied, as he is liable to wear anything, but it all has an expensive air to it.

Equipment: Couple of vibrodaggers and a blaster.

Force Powers: Telepathy, Force Listening, Force Sense.

Lightsaber Forms:   Form VI

Lightsaber:  N/A

Biography:   Adi grew up in a rather wealthy family, his father a greedy business man with a heavy hand, and his mother the poor woman that fell in love with him and learned too late of his violent tendencies. Most of his early childhood was spent with him aiming to pull the heat of his father’s wrath off of the women of his family, which consisted of his mother and sister. Most often when his father was going after one of them he would either act out and draw his attention, or physically put himself between him and them. More often than not he sported new cuts, bruises, and a whole slew of various other injuries.

When he was old enough to watch himself, and take care of his sister at full capacity, their mother started sending them off on cruise ships, long tours, and nothing but parties and being away from home, being away from their father, which the both of them took to without a second thought.  And it was like that for a while. Seeing fantastical sights, and as they grew older he started discovering the party life of each place they went, on each different ship.

Though when his sister turned fourteen, and he was nineteen, due to the minor talents that both of them showed in the force, their mother introduced a teacher, a master if you will, that began teaching and guiding them through the way of the force. Long trips on cruise ships, exploring the furthest reaches of the galaxy that they could, became long trips of hard work, meditation, exploring old temples, practicing forms, and improving on skills, and continued on for about five years…

Up until the night that they had off for once. One to take a much needed break, and enjoy the cruise they had been sent on. It was this same night that there was a fancy ball that all three of them attended. Most of the night was uneventful, until an impact rocked the ship, sending people into a frantic mess of chaos and screaming. Immediately he went to search for his sister, and was intercepted by their master, and shoved into an escape pod with firm instructions to stay, before he disappeared again. And when he reappeared, he was toting his sister along with him. And once they were both inside the pod, and it was sealed off…. He knew it was a good bye, silent but as loud as could be at the same time, all in a single look that he caught from their master…. And then they were gone. Shot off into space, left to drift in nothing more than an escape pod.

Strengths: He’s a decent shot with his blaster, unlike his sister,  and is rather well talented in throwing daggers and hitting things with a deadly accuracy. And despite the fact that he lacks hulking muscles, he has a physical prowess that when it comes down it it can be mildly terrifying. He is rather well gifted in reading people when it comes to their personalities.

Weakness: His sister Avi. She is the only person he is deeply comfortable around, and he’s stupidly and fiercely protective of her, which makes it easy for someone to get to him through her.  He is also one to act, before he thinks, which can lead to poor decisions, and worse situations.

Personality:  Where his sister is more of a social butterfly, he is quiet, and observant, getting a feel for those he is with, before he actually interacts with them. Though once he is around people that he is comfortable with he is more prone to shenanigans, having fun and all around enjoying himself and the people he is with. Also unlike his sister it could be said that he is talented at holding grudges, not over stupid things, but over the more real issues and problems that could crop up. His sister so far, is the only one that he trusts completely, and the only person that he could say that he is loyal to.
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